Subtotale Krikoidresektion als primäre Therapie eines hochdifferenzierten Chondrosarkoms des Ringknorpels

Chondrosarcomas of the larynx are rare malignant tumors usually diagnosed with significant delay due to their nonspecific symptoms. We report a 50-year-old male presenting with progressive dyspnea. Indirect laryngoscopy revealed a subglottic stenosis. The cricoid cartilage was shown on CT to be massively damaged. Histologic differentiation between chondroma and highly differentiated chondrosarcoma was very difficult. Therefore, an organ-preserving treatment concept using partial cricoid resection and staged endoscopic arytenoidectomy was chosen. Total laryngectomy and permanent tracheostomy could be avoided. Due to the risk of recurrence, early follow-up with endoscopy and CT is mandatory.