Fine structure of the midgut posterior caeca in the crustacean Orchestia in intermolt: Recognition of two distinct segments

This study carried out on the posterior caeca of Orchestia in intermolt by means of light and electron microscopy shows that the diverticula of the midgut consist of two segments which are different from an anatomical point of view. The distal segment is in close relationship to the dorsal blood vessel, whereas the proximal segment, twice as long as the distal one, only touches the haemocoel. The cells of the distal segment are characterized by a brush border, some apical extrusions, a great number of ribosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, often associated with the mitochondria, the matrix of which is clear, high activity of the Golgi complexes, and a great development of extracellular channels. All these features indicate an activity in synthesizing proteins and transport. In the proximal segment, the cells are characterized by a striated border, reduced intercellular space, and especially by a great development of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum sometimes associated with mitochondria having a dense matrix. These diverse features indicate absorption ion and water transport. From an ultrastructural point of view, the posterior caeca of Orchestia cannot be considered homologous to the Malpighian tubules. Whereas during molting the posterior caeca of Orchestia are sites of calcium storage, during intermolt they are probably involved in the processes of water and mineral regulation and excretion.