Assessment of antibody response of swine infected with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae by immunoblotting

SUMMARY: An immunoblot procedure was used to evaluate porcine antibody response to inoculation with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. Mycoplasmas solubilized with sodium dodecyl sulfate were used as antigens. Antibodies to 5 antigens, estimated to be of molecular weight (mol wt) 110,000, 64,000, 50,000, 41,000, and 36,000, were detected in sera collected during the course of induced mycoplasmal pneumonia. Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae antigens, mol wt 110,000, 50,000, 41,000, and 36,000, cross-reacted with M flocculare when antigen prepared from M flocculare or hyperimmune serum against it were used in the immunoblot procedure. The 36,000-dalton (D) antigen reacted with M hyopneumoniae and M hyorhinis convalescent sera. The 64,000-D M hyopneumoniae antigen was the only antigen that did not cross-react with M flocculare or M hyorhinis. Exposure of immunoblot strips with antigens to trypsin before reacting them with the convalescent sera abolished binding ability of the 110,000-D and 36,000-D antigens, but had no effect on binding by 64,000-D, 50,000-D, or 41,000-D antigens. None of the 5 antigens bound to 11 lectins.