Level Structure ofSm148andSm150from Average Resonance Neutron Capture

The average-resonance-neutron-capture spectra of Sm147(n,γ)Sm148 and Sm149(n,γ)Sm150 obtained with the Argonne in-pile (n,γ) facility are used to develop and extend the level schemes of Sm148 and Sm150. In particular, the experiment gives information about the spin and parity assignments of 33 levels with excitation energies from 0 to 2.7 MeV in Sm148 and 47 levels from 0 to 2.5 MeV in Sm150. Unique spin and parity assignments are given for almost all the states below 2.2 MeV in both isotopes. In many cases in which previous experiments gave conflicting indications, the new data led to definite spin assignments. The neutron binding energies in Sm148 and Sm150 were found to be 8140.6±1.8 and 7986.4±1.8 keV, respectively, after correction for the energy spectrum of the captured neutrons.