The development of the dimorphic chloroplasts of Zea mays L. in adult foliage leaves is described, and a method of correlating ultrastructural stages by means of leaf chlorophyll is presented. In addition, the developmental changes in chlorophyll a/b ratio are discussed. Both the mesophyll and the bundle sheath plastids contain small grana at the earliest stages of plastid development. As the plastids enlarge, the mesophyll grana stacks increase in both length of the appressed membrane and in the number of thylakoids per granum. Initially, the grana stacks in the bundle sheath plastids also enlarge, but as the plastids approach full size, most of the membrane appression is lost. However, the remaining areas of appression in the bundle sheath plastids show an increase in the number of thylakoids in each small granum.
Funding Information
  • National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
  • University of California Chancellor's Patent Fund