Cutting Edge: Long-Lived CD8 Memory and Protective Immunity in the Absence of CD40 Expression on CD8 T Cells

CD8 T cells need CD4 T cells to develop into long-lived, functional memory cells that provide protection against pathogen rechallenge. We investigated whether signaling via CD40 expressed on the CD8 cells themselves is involved in this cooperation. In murine responses to Listeria monocytogenes and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, we found no evidence of any requirement for CD40-CD40 ligand interaction at this level. No differences were observed between CD40−/− and CD40+/+ CD8 T cells that had matured in the same environment when comparing their expansion in a primary or secondary response, their contribution to memory, and their ability to enter nonlymphoid tissues such as the liver. Thus, we find no evidence that CD40 ligand-expressing CD4 T cells are required to activate CD40 on CD8 T cells directly for the full differentiation of the cytotoxic T cell response.