Activity expressed from cloned Anacystis nidulans large and small subunit ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase genes

The ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (EC4.1.1.39) (RubisCO) large and small subunit genes from Anacystis nidulans have been cloned as a single fragment into M 13mp10 and pEMBL8 and expressed in Escherichia coli. From M 13mp10 a low yield of enzyme with high specific activity was obtained. The molecular weight of the active enzyme was 260 000 Da and of the inactive enzyme approximately 730 000 Da. The small and large subunits cloned separately did not express activity. The RubisCO gene cloned into pEMBL8 expressed activity up to 22 times that from the M 13 cloned RubisCO DNA. The RubisCO protein produced by the pEMBL cloned gene had a normal MW (550 000). Immunoprecipitation and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed the presence of both large and small subunits.