Pharmacokinetics and metabolism of hexamethylmelamine in mice after IP administration

Summary The pharmacokinetics of hexamethylmelamine (HMM) and its first metabolite (hydroxymethylpentamethylmelamine HMPMM) following IP bolus dose of 200 mg/kg were studied in mice. The drug concentrations were determined by a sensitive reversed-phase HPLC assay. Thus, for the first time, HMM major hydroxylated and demethylated metabolite plasma levels canbedetermined at the same time. Pharmacokinetic data were analyzed by an original method using a nonlinear cost function minimized by a simplex algorithm. An important property of this computer program is that convergence is ensured in contrast to linear or nonlinear least-square regression analysis, which leads to lack of convergence or to false convergence. Both HMM and HMPMM data fit a one-compartment open model. The parameters obtained indicate that the parent drug would probably be rapidly and completely transformed by the human body into HMPMM.