A Comparison of DNA Copy Number Changes Detected by Comparative Genomic Hybridization in Malignancies of the Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas

Tumors arising from the liver, biliary tract and pancreas, which originate in the foregut and are in close anatomical proximity to each other, sometimes show similar histological features. No studies have focused on genetic similarities and differences between tumors of these organs. To elucidate the similarities and differences in DNA copy number alterations between tumors of these organs, we applied comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) to cancers of the liver (31 cases), biliary tract (42 cases) and pancreas (27 cases). Some alterations were common to tumors of all three organs, and some were preferential in certain types of tumor. Gains of 1q and 8q and losses of 8p and 17p were common to all tumors. In contrast, 13q14 and 16q losses were detected exclusively in hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs; p < 0.01). The incidence of 17q21 gain and 5q loss was higher in biliary tract cancers than in the other two types (p < 0.05). Pancreatic cancers exhibited higher incidence of 5q14-q23 gain and 19p loss than tumors of other organs (p < 0.01). Gains of 7p, 7q, 12p and 20q and losses of 3p, 6q, 9p and 18q were frequent in both biliary tract and pancreatic cancers but rare in HCCs (p < 0.05). The present results suggest that although genes located at 1q, 8p, 8q and 17p are frequently involved in HCC, biliary tract and pancreatic cancer, at least some of the genes implicated in carcinogenesis are different between these three types. It is also suggested that CGH analysis is useful as a potential adjunct for the diagnosis and management of these tumors of organs that are anatomically close to one another.