Dynamic Jahn-Teller Effect of an Impurity in a Spontaneously Distorted Crystal

The local symmetry of Ti4+ sites in SrTiO3 is known to be cubic above 106°K, and tetragonal below. We have investigated the electron-spin-resonance spectrum of substitutional Ni3+ in the tetragonal phase of this compound. The components of the g tensor are observed to vary monotonically from g=2.215 and gII=2.103 at 4°K, to gII=g=2.180 at 106°K. Three models of the dynamical Jahn-Teller effect in the presence of coupling to strain are examined. The magnitude and temperature dependence of ggII are best explained by a model in which the g tensor is given by a Boltzmann average over the two lowest vibronic states. The tunneling splitting appears to exceed by far the maximum spontaneous splitting of these states (23 cm1). Our results indicate that the elongation of the nearest-neighbor octahedron is too small to be the principal cause of the g splitting.