Infrared Study of the Interaction of Tetramethylthiourea and Dimethylthioformamide with Phenol Derivatives

The hydrogen bonded complexes between hydroxylic bonds and oxygen or nitrogen bases have been extensively studied by infrared spectrometry. However, meager experimental results are available for sulfur participation in hydrogen bond formation. There seems little doubt that in thioamides - hydroxylic complexes, the donor site for hydrogen bonding is sulfur, particularly in view of the blue shift of the n → π∗ transition of the thiocarbonyl group in proton donor solvents 1. This paper reports on a study of the equilibrium constants (K) and on the frequency shifts of the 1 v OH stretching vibration of hydrogen bonded complexes between tetramethylthiourea (TMTU) or dimethyltnioformamide (DMTF) and some phenol derivatives.