Hydrogen spectral lines with the inclusion of dense-plasma effects

Line profiles for hydrogen including the case of dense plasmas are investigated on the basis of a many-particle approach. Using a Green’s-function technique, electron contributions to the shift and broadening from both separate-level and interferencelike terms are considered consistently. The theoretical approach to the line profile has been improved by including dynamic screening of collisions, contributions from Δn=0 transitions, and cross-term contributions not only to the broadening but also to the shift of the line. As an example, the line profile of Hα has been considered. An analysis of details of the second-order approximation with respect to the atom-plasma interaction is given, avoiding the no-quenching and dipole approximations. The effect of dynamic screening for high electron densities is investigated. Deviations from the linear dependence between the electron-shift contribution and the density are expected for Hα for ne≥2×1018 cm3 at temperatures of about 10 000 K.

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