Analysis of particle production at large transverse momentum

An analysis of large-transverse-momentum data is carried out using local exponents which characterize the dependence of the cross sections on pT and ε=(missingmass)2s. The results of this effective-power analysis allow any model to be critically compared to the data in a simple but meaningful way. Selected models are examined. A survey of the features of the constituent-interchange model (CIM) is given for inclusive scattering, and some special features for electromagnetic processes are discussed. The CIM can explain, in a simple way, not only the behavior of the local exponents but also their specific values for each particle type using the quark-counting rules. Quasielastic peaks in the ε distribution are observed for the difference between particle and antiparticle production (pp¯, K+K) which are consistent with expectations. Further crucial tests of the CIM are discussed.