Mitoxantrone, Chlorambucil and Prednisolone in the Treatment of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

The management of low grade lymphoma, both de novo and relapsed disease, is a contentious area in which there has been little real progress in recent years. Regimens which increase the intensity of treatment may accelerate the response but are inevitably associated with greater toxicity. This cannot be justified in a disease whose median survival is between 4 and 10 years and where the median age at presentation is 57. We have assessed the response of 144 patients treated with a combination of mitoxantrone, chlorambucil and prednisolone in a heterogeneous group with lymphoma, both de novo and relapsed disease. In the subgroup with low grade relapsed/refractory disease our results suggest that this combination is clinically effective, low in toxicity and suitable for the outpatient management of this usually elderly patient population.