Meaning in Life Depth in the Active Married Elderly

To discover if elderly people have developed a deeper meaning in life than younger individuals, a sample of active married elderly people was compared to a group of younger adults. Two dimensions of meaning in life depth were investigated. The first was a self-suitability measure indicating comfort with one's own meaning, measured by Crumbaugh and Maholick's (1969) Purpose in Life Test. The second was an external validation measure derived from a statement about their own strongest meaning in life, written by the participants and rated for depth by two outside judges. The older group scored significantly higher than the younger adults on the self-suitability measure and significantly lower on the external validation measure. Such results could mean that toward the end of life we are better able to appreciate life's beauty though less able to communicate our depth of appreciation to others. An alternative interpretation of the results is that the elderly participants were engaging in self-deception.