Seed-bank contributions to regeneration of shrub species after clear-cutting and burning

Seed banks contributed significantly to regeneration of early seral shrubs after clear-cutting and fall broadcast burning of dense coniferous forests of the Thuja plicata/Clintonia uniflora habitat type in northern Idaho [USA]. Seeds were separated from 36 samples of soil and surface oganic matter from 15 uncut forest stands. Total seed density averaged 1151 .+-. 1896 seeds/m2, and seed density for individual shrub species ranged from 1 .+-. 3 to 690 .+-. 1728 seeds/m2. Canopy cover of the "obligate" seed bank species, such as Ceanothus sanguineus and Prunus emarginata, was low or nonexistent in uncut forests, seed constancy and density in seed bank were high, and seedling regeneration on 2-year-old burns was abundant. Species that were "non-reliant" on seed banks, including Symphoricarpos albus and Rosa gymnocarpa, resprouted and no seedlings were found after burning. Response of "opportunistic" seed-bank species such as Rubus parviflorus and Rubus ursinus was intermediate; both seedling and sprout regeneration occurred after cutting and burning. These species existed in uncut stands both in the seed bank and in the understory. Burn severity affected germination and (or) seedling survival of Ceanothus sanguineus. Its percent canopy cover was greater on high-severity than on low-severity 2-year-old burns.