Noise of a quantum dot system in the cotunneling regime

We study the noise of the cotunneling current through one or several tunnel-coupled quantum dots in the Coulomb blockade regime. The various regimes of weak and strong, elastic and inelastic cotunneling are analyzed for quantum dot systems (QDS) with few-level, nearly degenerate, and continuous electronic spectra. We find that in contrast to sequential tunneling, where the noise is either Poissonian (due to uncorrelated tunneling events) or sub-Poissonian (suppressed by charge conservation on the QDS), the noise in inelastic cotunneling can be super-Poissonian due to switching between QDS states carrying currents of different strengths. In the case of weak cotunneling we prove a nonequilibrium fluctuation-dissipation theorem, which leads to a universal expression for the noise-to-current ratio (Fano factor). In order to investigate strong cotunneling we develop a microscopic theory of cotunneling based on the density-operator formalism and using the projection operator technique. The master equation for the QDS and the expressions for current and noise in cotunneling in terms of the stationary state of the QDS are derived and applied to QDS with a nearly degenerate and continuous spectrum.