Impact parameter dependence of collective flows and particle multiplicities in heavy-ion reactions

The authors study the impact parameter dependence of collective flows and particle multiplicities in heavy-ion reactions from 84-2100 MeV A-1. They consider mainly the 40Ca+40Ca system. For comparison with experimental data other systems are also quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) with the nucleon-nucleon cross section obtained considered. When the bombarding energies are below 400 MeV A-1, they use the quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) with the nucleon-nucleon cross section obtained from the G-matrix. At bombarding energies in the GeV A-1 region, they use relativistic quantum molecular dynamics (RQMD) with the Cugnon parametrization for the baryon-baryon cross sections. They calculate the degree of equilibrium, the directed transverse momentum and the rapidity distribution. The multiplicities of photons, pions, etas and kaons are also calculated and analysed. Their dependence on the nuclear equation of state is studied in detail. There is fair agreement between the theoretical results and experimental data for particle production cross sections and multiplicities.