Investigations were conducted into the seed reserves, shoot and seminal root growth of Lolium perenne, Festuca arundinacea, Holcus lanatus and Poa trivialis. Data are presented for the caryopsis, palea and lemma weights of these species. Shoot lengths of Lolium and Festuca were very similar but seminal root lengths of Lolium were longer and emerged earlier than those of Festuca. The caryopsis in Lolium lost weight much more rapidly in germination than Festuca. Seedlings of Lolium and Festuca showed similar increases in shoot length but Lolium had more rapid rates of seminal root growth and weight loss from the caryopsis. It is suggested that poor field establishment of Festuca may be due to poor mobilization of seed reserves and consequential poor seminal root growth. The possibility of selecting for good seminal root development in Festuca to improve establishment is suggested.