In vitro construction of deletion mutants of the bacteriocinogenic plasmid Clo DF13

The isolation and characterization of deletion mutants of the bacteriocinogenic plasmid Clo DF13 is described. To construct these deletion mutants, DNA of Clo DF13::Tn901 and Clo DF13-rep3::Tn901 plasmids was digested with restriction endonucleases, ligated with T4 ligase and introduced by transformation into Escherichia coli. The presence of the ampicilline transposon Tn901 facilitated the selection of plasmids. The resulting Clo DF13::Tn901 deletion mutants were analyzed by digestion with restriction endonucleases and electron microscopy. From the properties of the various deletion mutants it was concluded that a Clo DF13 DNA region, extending from 5 to 11.5% on the physical map, is essential for the replication of Clo DF13. This region, comprising about 600 base pairs, contains in addition to an origin of replication, DNA sequences which are involved in the regulation of Clo DF13 DNA replication. Furthermore it was observed that in case of the Clo DF13 copy mutant, Clo DF13-rep3, deletion of the 43% to 63% part of the plasmid genome, resulted in the generation of multimeric plasmid structures, accompanied with an impaired segregation of the plasmids to daughter cells.