Lethality and Mutagenesis of B Lymphocyte Progenitor Cells Following Exposure to α-particles and X-rays

B lymphocyte precursor cells are the target cells for the major subtype of paediatric cancer, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Using a murine IL-7-dependent clonogenic assay for normal B cell precursors as a model, we have investigated the sensitivity of these cells versus other normal and leukaemic haemopoietic cells to alpha-particle radiation. We find that B cell precursors are remarkably susceptible to the lethal effects of alpha-particles and have a very low probability of surviving a single alpha-track. B cell precursors are also very sensitive to the lethal effects of low LET X-rays. The mutation frequency in a marker gene (HPRT) does not, however, appear to be greater in B cell precursors that survive X-radiation than in other haemopoietic cells.