Decay properties of 181Ir

181Ir activity was produced via the following heavy-ion reactions: 169Tm (16O,4n)181Ir and 169Tm(19F,7n)181Pt (51 s) decaying to 181Ir. The half-life of 181Ir was found to be 4.90 ± 0.15 min. Singles and coincidence γ-ray measurements were performed using 30–40 cm3 Ge(Li) detectors. X-Ray measurements were carried out using an intrinsic Ge-detector. Additionally the helium jet system was used to study the properties of this isotope. The following γ rays were found to belong to the decay of 181Ir: 19.6, 65.3, 93.8, 107.6, 117.9, 123.5, 184.6, 189.9, 227.0, 231.6, 239.2, 309.0, 318.9, 350.5, 352.8, 375.2, 576.5, 700.1, 871.2, 1182.3, 1192.6, 1347.1, 1381.0, 1528.8, 1545.0, 1565.6, 1593.4, 1639.6, 1646.4, 1652.5, and 1714.9 keV. A tentative decay scheme is proposed for 181Ir, verifying levels in l8lOs that have been obtained by reaction work. The proposed decay scheme as well as spin and parity assignments of some of the 181Os levels are discussed.

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