Differentiation between wheat chromosomes 4B and 4D

A linkage map based on homoeologous recombination, induced by the absence of the Ph1 locus, between chromosome 4D of Triticum aestivum L. (genomes AABBDD) and chromosome 4B of T. turgidum L. (genomes AABB) was compared with a linkage map of chromosome 4Amof T. monococcum L. and a consensus map of chromosomes 4B and 4D of T. aestivum based on homologous recombination. The 4D/4B homoeologous map was only one-third the length of the homologous maps and all intervals were reduced relative to the 4B–4D consensus map. After the homoeologous map was corrected for this overall reduction in recombination, the distribution of recombination in the short arm was similar in both types of maps. In the long arm, homoeologous recombination declined disproportionally in the distal to proximal direction. This gradient was shown to be largely caused by severe segregation distortion reflecting selection against 4D genetic material. The segregation distortion had a maximum that coincided with the centromere and likely had a polygenic cause. Chromosomes 4D and 4B were colinear and recombination between them occurred in almost all intervals where homologous recombination occurred. These findings suggest that these chromosomes are not differentiated structurally and that the differentiation is not segmental. In the presence of Ph1, metaphase I chromosome pairing between chromosomes composed of homologous and differentiated regions correlated with the lengths of the homologous regions. No compensatory allocation of crossovers into the homologous regions was detected. In this respect, the present results are in dramatic contrast with the crossover allocation into the pseudoautosomal region in the mammalian male meiosis.Key words: homoeology, recombination, segregation distortion, chromosome pairing, RFLP, pseudoautosomal region.