A technique for retrieving antigens in formalin-fixed, routinely acid-decalcified, celloidin-embedded human temporal bone sections for immunohistochemistry.
The application of immunohistochemistry to routinely decalcified, celloidin-embedded human temporal bone sections has been hampered because of antigen loss during processing of the specimens. To our knowledge, there has been no published report to date describing immunohistochemical staining of such tissues suitable for examination by light microscopy. Here we report a novel antigen retrieval technique which can be successfully used to stain a variety of antigens in routinely formalin-fixed, trichloroacetic acid-decalcified, celloidin-embedded human temporal bone sections. The new procedure reported here for decalcified human temporal bone tissues simply requires immersing slides for 30 min at room temperature in an antigen retrieval solution. A total of 60 decalcified, celloidin-embedded human temporal bone tissues were tested with monoclonal antibodies (MAb) to 15 different antigens. Of these, 12 MAb showed definite positive staining, while three were negative. This technique may prove very useful in studying the expression of various antigens by immunohistochemistry in formalin-fixed, acid-decalcified, celloidin-embedded tissues.