Binocular interactions in the cat's dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. I. Spatial-frequency analysis of responses of X, Y, and W cells to nondominant-eye stimulation
1. X, Y, and W cells in the A and C layers of the cat's dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) were tested for responses to stimulation of the nondominant eye. The main purpose was to determine the incidence of nondominant-eye excitation and inhibition among different classes of cells and to examine the spatial-frequency tuning of responses to the nondominant eye. 2. Of 198 cells that were tested with drifting sine-wave gratings presented to the nondominant eye, 109 (55%) showed statistically significant responses. Four types of responses were observed: an increase in the mean discharge rate (F0 excitation), a decrease in the mean discharge rate (F0 inhibition), an increased modulation at the fundamental frequency of the grating (F1 excitation), and a decreased modulation at the fundamental frequency of the grating (F1 inhibition). Overall, 29% of the cells responded with inhibition, 24% responded with excitation, and 2% showed both excitation and inhibition, depending upon the spatial frequency and/or the harmonic response component. The relative incidence of excitation and inhibition was similar for X, Y, and W cells, for cells with on-center and off-center receptive fields, for cells with different receptive-field eccentricities, and for cells in each LGN layer. In addition, within layers A and A1, responses were similar for cells at different distances from the laminar borders. 3. Spatial-frequency response functions indicated that cells could have band-pass or low-pass spatial-frequency tuning through the nondominant eye. Band-pass cells tended to be narrowly tuned (less than or equal to 1 octave), and low-pass cells responded to a broader range of spatial frequencies. These properties were similar for X, Y, and W cells. Spatial resolution tended to be low (less than or equal to 0.8 c/deg for most cells), although a few cells responded to the highest spatial frequency tested (5.4 c/deg). Likewise, optimal spatial frequency was low (less than or equal to 0.2 c/deg) for most cells. These properties were similar for X and Y cells, and there was a weak tendency for X and Y cells to have higher optimal spatial frequencies and spatial resolutions than W cells. 4. In terms of absolute change in activity, responses to drifting gratings were weak. However, cells that were inhibited generally showed 20-60% decreases in activity to the optimal spatial frequency, and cells that were excited generally showed 40-100% increases. Response amplitudes were similar for X, Y, and W cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)