Rates and Effect of Resurgence-Inducing Insecticides on Populations of Nilaparvata lugens (Homoptera: Delphacidae) and its Predators

Field tests were conducted to determine the effect of insecticide rates on degree of brown planthopper, Nilaparvala lugens , resurgence during 1978–1980. Carbofuran granules and foliar sprays of decamethrin, methyl parathion, diazinon, and FMC 3500 caused resurgence, whereas foliar sprays of ethylan controlled N. lugens . Resurgence of N. lugens populations was most pronounced in the high rates of decamethrin and methyl parathion treatments. Populations of the N. lugens insect predators, Microvelia atrolineata and Cyrtorhinus lividipennis and predatory spiders were most depressed by the high rates of decamethrin.