Sonographische Darstellung von Weichteiltumoren der Extremitäten und gelenkassoziierten Weichteilveränderungen

Valid preoperative imaging procedures are important in the diagnosis of soft-tissue tumours of the extremities due to their potential malignancy. The value of ultrasound regarding these tumours is still under controversial discussion. Hence, it was the aim of this retrospective study to examine the value of ultrasound in respect of these particular problems. Therefore, in 20 cases ultrasonography was compared with intraoperative findings and other imaging techniques. Finally ultrasonography is merely an "adjuvant" diagnostic procedure, because it does not precisely outline the anatomical topography is incomplete and differentiation from neural and vascular structures is not possible in all cases. In contrast, ultrasonographic description of the size of tumours demonstrates a good correlation when compared with intraoperative findings. In addition, ultrasound examination can help to improve preoperative diagnosis in cases when imaging with MRI and CT is disturbed due to already implanted metallic endoprosthetic components.

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