The surgical treatment of osteochondritis of the capitellum

This paper reviews 14 patients who underwent elbow arthrotomy for osteochondritis of the capitellum. The etiology in 7 of the 14 cases appears to be the result of repeated trauma from throwing sports. Five of the 14 described a singular significant traumatic episode, and in 2 of the 14, a clear etiology is uncertain. The diagnostic features including signs, symptoms, and el bow range of motion are examined. The operative findings are correlated with plain x-ray films of the elbow in all cases and with an elbow arthrogram in 11 out of 14 cases. The average length of followup was 24 months. The postoperative range of motion was in creased an average of 18°. Eighty-six percent (12 out of 14) patients returned to organized, competitive ath letic activity without restrictions. The Little League background of those patients with apparent repetitive microtrauma to the elbow is exam ined in terms of length of pitching experience and types of pitches thrown. In addition, the throwing mechanism of these patients is evaluated with respect to the type of delivery at possible risk for the development of osteochondritis. We conclude that after a failure of conservative ther apy, surgical treatment, including removal of the intraar ticular loose bodies, excision of capitellar lesions, and curettage to bleeding bone can be expected to produce pain relief and improvement in joint motion. A return to organized competitive sport activities can be expected.

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