A CONSIDERABLE number of experimental and clinical results on the effects of reserpine on gastric secretion have been reported. The majority of these data were summarized in 1963 by Lambert.1 Although there is basic agreement between the various groups of investigators as to the observed changes in gastric secretion following reserpine administration, the mode of its action, as well as the significance of these changes, remains highly controversial. It is the purpose of this study to present data accumulated over the past ten years on the action of reserpine on gastric secretion. Method Gastric secretory studies were carried out on human subjects and on dogs. Fasting patients were studied. Gastric secretion was aspirated continuously by a suction pump from a fluoroscopically placed No. 12 or No. 14 Levin tube, both before and after the administration of reserpine (Serpasil). Gastric secretory samples were collected every 15 or 20 minutes during