Photo-Mesons from Carbon

Photons from the Berkeley 322-Mev electron synchrotron have been used to produce mesons from a carbon target. These mesons have been observed with nuclear emulsions at angles of 45°, 90°, and 135° to the photon beam. The ratio of the number of π to π+ mesons produced is 1.29±0.22, 1.30±0.12, and 1.34±0.20, respectively, at each of the above angles. The energy spectra and the differential cross sections of π-mesons at each of these angles have been obtained. The total cross section for the production of π-mesons is 4.0±1.6×1028 cm2 per nucleus per "equivalent quantum." The number of "equivalent quanta," Q, is defined as the total energy in the beam divided by the maximum photon energy. The cross section for production of μ-meson pairs at the target is estimated to be less than 2 percent of the cross section for π-meson production.