Precision measurement ofgI(Rb+87)gJ(Rb87)

A charge-exchange optical-pumping experiment has been performed to measure the ratio gI(Rb+87)gJ(Rb87). The NMR frequency of free Rb+87 ions polarized by charge-exchange collisions with optically pumped Rb87 atoms was measured along with the (F=2,M=2F=2,M=1) Zeeman transition frequency of Rb87 in a magnetic field of ∼ 55 G. The magnetic field was produced in a shielded solenoid. The 30-cm3 cylindrical optical-pumping cells were filled with a Ne buffer gas, and the ions were produced in a weak continuous electrodeless rf discharge which was run in a sidearm attached to the cells. The NMR frequency was ∼ 76 kHz and the charge-exchange and rf-broadened NMR linewidth was 60 Hz. The Zeeman frequency was ∼ 39 MHz and the Zeeman linewidth was 80 Hz due to the inhomogeneity of the magnetic field. Our result is gI(Rb+87)gJ(Rb87)=4.969934(12)×104, which can be compared with a previously measured value of gI(Rb+87)gJ(Rb87)=4.9699147(44)×104 to obtain the difference in the shielding constants of the atom and ion, σ(Rb87)σ(Rb+87)=(3.8±2.6)×106.