We report calculations of free energies of binding, ΔGbind, between a diverse set of nine ligands and avidin as well as between a peptide and streptavidin using the recently developed MM/PBSA approach. This method makes use of a molecular dynamics simulation of the ligand−protein complex to generate a thermally averaged ensemble of conformations of the molecules that are involved in the complex formation. Based on this set of structures, a free energy of binding is calculated using molecular mechanical and continuum solvent energies as well as including estimates of the nonpolar solvation free energy and solute entropy. We compare in our simulations different classes of ligands, involving biotin derivatives, the dye 2-(4‘-hydroxyazobenzene)benzoic acid (HABA), and a cyclic hexapeptide, which cover a large range of binding free energies from −5 to −20 kcal/mol. Our calculations are able to reproduce experimental ΔGbind values with a very good correlation coefficient of r2 = 0.92. This agreement is considerably better than the results obtained with an alternate approach, the linear interaction energy approximation, for this system (r2 = 0.55).