Laboratory Studies Concerning the Effectiveness and Safety of Various Fluoride and Fluoride-Phosphate Systems

A series of studies were conducted in order to determine the amount of Sn and F uptake, enamel decalcification, and reduction in enamel solubility of 7 different F and F-phosphate treatments using each F system at 2 different concentrations of F (1000 ppm F and 1.63% F) and 4 different pH values ranging from 1.5 to 6.0. The results of these studies indicated that F uptake has no appreciable correlation to the amount of protection afforded the enamel surface by the various treatment procedures employed in this study. These data also showed that the use of non-Sn-containing systems at low pH values results in a pronounced decalcification of enamel which was greatly decreased by the presence of Sn. A pronounced variation in results obtained with various different enamel solubility techniques and an inverse relationship between the pH of the treatment solution (if that solution contained Sn) and the amount of Sn uptake in enamel and the amount of protection against enamel dissolution by weak organic acids was discussed.