Genetic analysis of viable and lethalfused mutants ofDrosophila melanogaster

Fused is a segmentation gene belonging to the segment-polarity class. Mutations at thefused locus are known to display pleiotropic effects, causing zygotically determined anomalies of ovaries and of some adult cuticular structures, and maternally determined embryonic segmentation defects. In order to determine the amorphic phenotype offused and to study the genetical basis of its pleiotropy, newfused alleles (18 viable and 11 lethal) were isolated. The phenotype of these mutants and of others already known are described, taking into account zygotic and maternal effects. The main results provided by this analysis are as follows. Firstly, allfused alleles show the whole complex fused phenotype, and a good correlation is observed between the strength of the wing and segmentation defects, suggesting that a single function is involved in both processes. Secondly, all embryonic and larval lethals carry deficiencies which allow us to localizefused between the 17C4 and 17D2 bands of the X-chromosome. Thirdly, the 24 viable and 2 pupal lethals examined behave as point mutants, as shown cytologically or by Southern blot analysis. However, only one of them, the pupal lethalfu mH63 was proven to carry a nullfused allele, since it displays in germ-line clones a strong maternal phenotype and a very low zygotic rescue, similar to those of the small deficiencyDf(1)fu z4. The phenotype of the amorphic mutant indicates that zygotic ezpression offused is required for normal metamorphosis, while maternal expression is necessary for a normal segmentation pattern, since a complete loss offused expression during oogenesis cannot be compensated zygotically.