The rate of collisional quenching of N2O+ (B 2Σ), N+2 (B 2Σ), O+2 (b 4Σ), O+ (3d), O (3p), Ar+ (4p′), Ar (4p,4p′) at the temperature ≤200 K

Rate constants of collisional quenching of the states N2O+ (B 2Σ+u), N+2 (B 2Σ+u), O+2 (b 4Σ−u), O i (3p 5P), O ii (3d 4F), Ar ii (4p′ 2F0) in their parent gases and the states Ar i (4p,4p′[1/2]) in oxygen have been measured by studying Stern–Volmer dependencies in the temperature range from 20 to 200 K. Radiating states were excited by the electron beam. A flow on free jet axis was used as a gas target. Negative dependencies of rate constants on temperature which were obtained are consistent with the available experimental data on rate of internal energy and charge transfer at low energy collisions.