From 1986 to 1989 the University of Hawaii Department of Special Education conducted the Preschool Preparation and Transition Project (PPT), a model demonstration program funded by the U.S. Department of Education Handicapped Children's Early Education Program. The major goal of PPT was to support families and their young children with special needs in the transition from infant programs to least restrictive preschool placements. The PPT model addressed this goal through three components: (a) child change to prepare the young child with special needs to be successful in least restrictive preschool settings, (b) program change to realign the intervention and service delivery efforts of early intervention programs towards the goal of smooth and efficient transitions to least restrictive preschool placements, and (c) societal change to prepare the community to accept and support effective transition processes and the placement of young children with special needs in integrated preschool placements when appropriate. This project profile describes the background and rationale for PPT, the PPT model and its components, the populations served, project implementation procedures, and a brief summary of PPT evaluation data.