Erg deposits in the Lower Jurassic Wingate Sandstone, northeastern Arizona: oblique dune sedimentation

The Lower Jurassic erg (aeolian sand sea) deposits of the Wingate Sandstone on the Colorado Plateau are beautifully exposed near Many Farms, Arizona. These 3‐D outcrops allow a detailed study of structures and sequenses in the erg body.The erg sequence comprises chiefly oblique dune deposits. The dune facies are in most cases characterized by a well‐developed tripartite upbuilding. Each dune coset contains unusually thick and intricate bottomsets, medial low‐angle dipping toesets, and upper steeply dipping foresets.The foresets reveal significant across‐crest transport of sand and dip within a narrow range of directions towards the ESE. The bottomset beds are composed of compound cross‐bedding that documents strong along‐crest transport towards the SSW, whereas the toeset beds reveal upslope, downslope, and along‐crest transport of sand.The ancient dunes apparently formed in a directionally varying wind flow with prevailing winds (early summer) from the NW and periodic strong winds (late summer) from the SW. The dunes were oblique not only to seasonal transport directions, but also to the resultant annual transport direction and dune migration direction. This was caused by the interaction of the dune system with the primary winds which resulted in secondary airflow and significant along‐crest transport of sand.The erg deposits at Many Farms are separated by a number of super bounding surfaces suggesting several episodes of erg formation and destruction. The initial erg system was dominated by transverse dunes, but overlying ergs only contained oblique dunes. All erg systems were bounded to the SW by wide regions of erg margin environments in which aeolian sand sheet, fluvial, and lacustrine facies were deposited. Even though fluvial deposits are absent from the main part of the sequence at the study area, the effects of this system are reflected within the erg deposits at Many Farms.