Anionic graft polymerization of vinyl monomers on cellulose and polyvinyl alcohol

Graft polymers of acrylonitrile, methacrylonitrile and methyl methacrylate on polyhydroxy polymers such as cellulose and polyvinyl alcohol were prepared by anionic graft polymerization. The alkali alkoxide derivative of the polyhydroxy polymer backbone was used as initiator of polymerization. The graft polymerizations were carried out in liquid ammonia and other inert solvents at low temperature. Grafting was accompanied by considerable homopolymerization caused by chain transfer to monomer and to ammonia. The graft polymers were separated from homopolymers and unreacted polyhydroxy polymers by extraction with suitable solvents. The per cent of the grafted vinyl polymer increased with increase in the monomer and alkoxide concentration. No crosslinking occurred during the anionic graft polymerization, and soluble graft polymers were obtained.