The veno‐arteriolar reflex in free skin flaps

Summary. The veno‐arteriolar reflex was measured in 10 subjects in whom an area of denervated skin was present in the lower limb following free flap transfer of skin and subcutaneous tissue 3 weeks to 2 years previously. The vasoconstrictor response to dependency was measured in the skin of the flap, in adjacent innervated skin and after chemical dilatation of cutaneous vessels in the skin of the flap. This veno‐arteriolar reflex resulting in a reduction of blood flow of 30–40% was present and equal in both normal and denervated skin. The response was abolished by chemical vasodilatation. The results indicate that sympathetic innervation is not essential for the venoarteriolar reflex, and suggest that myogenic mechanisms may be more important than previously believed.