Comparative diagnostic value of phenyla-lanine challenge and phenylalanine hydroxylase activity in phenylketonuria

Serum Phe concentrations during and following Phe challenges and liver phenylalanine hydroxylase (PH) activity were compared in 13 phenylketonuric (PKU) patients. These patients were separated into 2 groups: 8 patients with no detectable PH activity ( and 5 patients with residual PH activity (PH-) ranging from 9-24% of the activity obtained in 10 non-PKU subjects. The rise in serum Phe concentration during 3 days of oral loading did not differentiate the 2 groups. The difference in serum Phe concentration of the and PH- groups reached statistical significance at 24 h postloading (P < 0.01). Combined results from multiple measurements during the oral challenge, namely serum Phe concentration after termination of loading, serum Phe clearance rate, post-loading Phe tolerance index and urinary metabolite excretion, make a better indicator for predicting residual PH activity for the majority of PKU subjects than peak Phe concentrations during Phe challenge.