Audiovisual integration in perception of real words

Three experiments follow up on Easton and Basala’s (1982) report that the “McGurk effect” (an influence of a visibly mouthed utterance on a dubbed acoustic one) does not occur when utterances are real words rather than nonsense syllables. In contrast, with real-word stimuli, Easton and Basala report a strong reverse effect whereby a dubbed soundtrack strongly affects identification of lipread words. In Experiment 1, we showed that a strong McGurk effect does obtain when dubbed real words are discrepant with observed words in consonantal place of articulation. A second experiment obtained only a weak reverse effect of dubbed words on judgments of lipread words. A final experiment was designed to provide a sensitive test of effects of lipread words on judgments of heard words and of heard words on judgments of lipread words. The findings reinforced those of the first two experiments that both effects occur, but, with place-of-articulation information discrepant across the modalities, the McGurk effect is strong and the reverse effect weak.

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