Density Distribution and Size of Megakaryocytes in Inflammatory Reactions of the Bone Marrow (Myelitis) and Chronic Myeloproliferative Diseases

Morphometric evaluation was performed on semi-thin sections of core biopsies of the bone marrow and included 20 cases of each group of diseases besides control specimens. Hyperergic myelitis of rheumatic origin, chronic granulocytic leukemia (CGL), polycythemia vera (P. vera), chronic megakaryocytic-granulocytic myelosis (CMGM) and myelofibrosis or osteomyelosclerosis (MF/OMS). The classification of megakaryopoiesis was applied as follows: normal megakaryocytes, giant forms, microforms, intussusceptions, cytoplasmic fragments and naked nuclei. The density distribution shows an increase of megakaryocyte number in those 5 different marrow disorders, ranging from about 13/mm2 in the normal sample up to 65 cells/mm2 in MF/OMS. Microforms are most frequently encountered in CGL, whereas giant megakaryocytes, intussusceptions and many cytoplasmic fragments characterize P. vera, CMGM and MF/OMS. Three distinct categories of bone marrow lesions are suggested with corresponding alterations of the megakaryopoiesis: myelitis and CGL; P. vera; CMGM and MF/OMS.