Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Variant from Commercial Leghorn Pullets

An infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) was isolated from 39-to-43-day-old commerical leghorn pullets suspected of having infectious bursal disease (IBD). These chickens had been vaccinated with a commerical live IBDV vaccine at 28 and 35 days of age. An isolated designed IN was recovered using specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chickens and the BGM-70 established cell line. Experimental studies using SPF chickens vaccinated with either in activated vaccines made from the vaccine strain used in the problem flock or a standard-type vaccine indicated no protection against the IN isolate. However, two variants and another standard-type vaccine induced protection against the IN isolate. Cross-neutralization tests indicated that the IN isolate differed antigenically from commerical vaccine strains and was related to the variant IBDV strains recently isolated from broilers. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a variant IBDV recovered from commercial layer chickens in the United States.