Pichia inositovora and Candida paludigena, Two New Species of Yeasts Isolated from Peat

Representatives of 2 new yeast species, P. inositovora and C. paludigena, were recovered from highmoor peat. P. inositovora forms 2-4 hat-shaped spores in the ascus; each of the ledges of the ascospores has a bulb at the end. It is nonfermentative and inositol-positive C. paludigena forms abundant true mycelia with conidia on denticles. The cell wall structure corresponds to that of ascomycetous yeasts. This species is urease-negative, inositol-positive, nonfermentative and nitrate-negative. The type strains of these species are AM-125 (= CBS 0000; = IBPhM Y-888) and AM-146 (= CBS 0000; = IBPhM Y-917), respectively.

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