Responses of Antennal Olfactory Receptors in the Yellow Fever Mosquito Aedes Aegypti to Human Body Odours

Recent behavioural studies have demonstrated that human body odours which female Aedes aegypti find attractive exert their effects as complex mixtures of synergistically acting components. We have attempted to clarify the sensory mechanisms underlying the perception of these complex host odours by studying the responses of sensory cells underneath the A3-type sensilla of the mosquito antenna to both a human skin wash extract and the extract's active chromatographic fractions. The reaction patterns show that the host stimuli elicit responses from several types of receptor cells in a typical across-fibre pattern mode. It seems as if this is another case where the essential message in a biologically significant odour consists of a complex pattern of compounds that is encoded in an according complex response pattern by a cooperating set of primary sensory neurons of different odour specificities.