Strong shock waves have been generated in a diaphragm shock tube using an imploding detonation driver of conical geometry. In comparing the performance of the conical driver to a Chapman–Jouguet detonation driver we have found that the conical driver provides comparable Mach numbers at considerably smaller ratios of driver to test gas filling pressures. For example Mach 10 was reached at a pressure ratio of 25 in the conical driver while a ratio of 100 is required to produce Mach 10 in a Chapman–Jouguet driver. In theory the Mach number available from a conical driver is expected to increase without bounds as the ratio of driver cone base to test tube diameter. A simplified model for this scaling is discussed and compared with experimental data. In addition an investigation of Mach number and shock attenuation versus cone slant angle is carried out in order to optimize the driver geometry.

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