The thermal and electrical conductivities κ and σ, respectively, have been measured for chromium between approximately 1.5 and 330°K in order to determine the Lorenz number L=κσT. Since at 330°K these data agree with the higher-temperature measurements by Powell and Tye, an analysis has been developed to encompass both sets of data. Although L shows the usual metallic behavior at low temperatures, at all temperature above 90°K it is greater than the expected Sommerfeld value (L0=2.445×108 V2/deg2). It is not possible to account for this anomaly by the usual assumption of a lattice component of thermal conductivity without allowing the component itself to become anomalous. Klemens has pointed out that anomalous values of L are expected in transition metals at high temperatures because the Fermi skin begins to encompass their complicated band structure. Analysis of L(Cr) in these terms shows that the transport coefficients can be separated into two factors: one which has the temperature dependence of single definite scattering processes above and below the Néel temperature, and another which is the integral of a quantity that has the characterisitics of the known band structure. Since this integral is temperature-dependent, it is possible to state that certain anomalies in the transport properties of chromium are due to its band structure. It appears that above the Neél temperature Cr may be approaching nondegeneracy.