Structure of the Caulobacter crescentus trpFBA operon

The DNA sequences of the Caulobacter crescentus trpF, trpB, and trpA genes were determined, along with 500 base pairs (bp) of 5'-flanking sequence and 320 bp of 3'-flanking sequence. An open reading frame, designated usg, occurs upstream of trpF and encodes a polypeptide of 89 amino acids which seems to be expressed in a coupled transcription-translation system. Interestingly, the usg polypeptide is not homologous to any known tryptophan biosynthetic enzyme. S1 nuclease mapping of in vivo transcripts indicated that usg, trpF, trpB, and trpA are arranged into a single operon, with the transcription initiation site located 30 bp upstream from the start of usg. Sequences centered at -30 and -6 bp upstream from the transcription initiation site are somewhat homologous to the Escherichia coli promoter consensus sequence and are homologous to sequences found upstream of genes from several organisms which are evolutionarily related to C. crescentus. Furthermore, the trpFBA operon promoter sequence lacks homology to promoter sequences identified for certain developmentally regulated C. crescentus genes. The structures of the C. crescentus usg, trpF, trpB, and trpA genes were further analyzed in terms of codon usage, G+C content, and genetic signals and were related to genetic signals previously identified in C. crescentus and other bacteria. Taken together, these results are relevant to the analysis of gene expression in C. crescentus and the study of trp gene structure and regulation.