Reflected Far-Red Light Effects on Chlorophyll and Light-Harvesting Chlorophyll Protein (LHC-II) Contents under Field Conditions

The influence of various colors of soil cover (mulch) on the farred/red (FR/R) ratio in upwardly reflected light and on concentrations of chlorophyll (Chl) and light-harvesting Chl protein (LHC-II) were measured under field conditions. The FR/R ratios above green surfaces were higher than over white surfaces. Even though plants (Gossyplum hirsutum L. cv PD-1) were grown in full sunlight, those that received higher FR/R ratios in upwardly reflected light were taller and had thinner leaves with higher concentrations of Chl and LHC-II. A controlled environment experiment showed FR/R control of Chl and LHC-II concentrations. The results illustrate the importance of spectral distribution of reflected light on plant growth and a potential means of altering the chemistry of leaf crops under field conditions.