Skeletal muscle rofiles amon elite long, middle, and short distance swimmers

Skeletal muscle profiles of fiber composition and leg power and strength were obtained in 30 national caliber swimmers (20 males, 10 females). Subjects were clas sified into three groups based upon the distance of their primary events [long distance (LDS), middle dis tance (MDS), and short distance (SDS) swimmers]. Intergroup analyses showed that the LDS group had the highest values of percent Type I muscle fiber com position (percent Type I and percent Type I area), and the lowest values of leg power and strength values (vertical jump and torque-velocity relationships). In ad dition, when grouped by Type I fiber composition, sub jects having ≥50% Type I tibers had significantly lower vertical jump and torque values than those having <50% Type I fibers. Overall, the compositional and functional measurements were consistent with the spe cific metabolic and contractile demands of the different swim groups.